3 Ways to Communicate With the Child You Sponsor

Once you decide to sponsor a child, you'll be eager to connect with this individual as often as you're able. Communicating with the child will not only allow you to see the difference that your sponsorship is having on his or her life but will also help you to better understand the child's living arrangements and daily challenges. Fortunately, there are many different ways that you can keep in touch with the child. While the methods can vary based on the child sponsorship charity through which you're connecting, here are three ways that are often possible.

1. Writing Letters

Perhaps the most common way to communicate with the child you sponsor is through the traditional method of writing letters. The charity will provide instructions about where to send your letter, as well as ensure that it gets to the recipient. The child you sponsor should usually write back to you; charity workers in the child's country will ensure that the child's letter receives proper postage and is mailed. In addition to the fun that you'll have waiting to see when a letter from the child will arrive, communicating via this method also allows you to send small gifts. For example, you might place colorful paper or stickers with your letter.

2. Exchanging Emails

Another method that you can use to communicate with your sponsored child is email. This method may be easier for you if you're on the computer for much of the day and find that it's quicker to send an email than it is to write a letter. Of course, it's likely that the child in a developing country doesn't have a computer on which to receive your email. That's not a concern, though. Many child sponsorship charities encourage sponsors to communicate via email, and have a system set up that will get your messages to the child.

3. Video Calling

You might also wish to communicate with the child through a video call. Some charities make video calling possible, so don't hesitate to inquire about whether your chosen organization is on this list. This method of communication requires help from the charity. Workers on the ground in the child's nation can facilitate this when they're able. Video calling with the child will be an exciting opportunity for both of you. Not only will you be able to see one another, but you may also be able to get to know the child, and he or she will be able to sense your love and care. Speak to your sponsorship charity to learn more about the suggested methods of communicating with your sponsored child.
